Master Science Tuition Centre


Our centres are all open for tuition. Call the cell number or use the Send Message function below to send an email.
Master Maths - Wellington


084 549 2971
021 873 0691
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Blouvlei Rd
Huguenot High School
Western Cape
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About Wellington Master Science

Physical Science classes or ‘lessons’ for grade 10 to 12 learners. Our Master Science Wellington centre provides extra maths help using trained tutors for mathematics teaching and tutoring. Fisiese Wetenskappe ekstra klasse is volledig tweetalig. Lesson content is regularly updated according to changes in the curriculum and CAPS document.

Master Science Wellington is situated in Huguenot High School.

Here at our centre we strive to firstly build the learner’s confidence. The only way to do that, is to create understanding. By teaching concepts step by step, learners gain the ability to reason with logic and to solve problems successfully. We are dedicated to pinpoint a learner’s problem areas and apply this computer based teaching system to address their unique needs. We create a positive and calm environment where learners feel safe to ask and learn.

Although the centre is situated in the school and therefore easily accessible to learners from this school, it is open to learners from other primary and high schools in the surrounding area as well.

Centre team


Adri Walters

Eienaar – “Ek is eerstens passievol oor leerders en tweedens oor Wiskunde en Wetenskap. My strewe is om leerders te inspireer om hul beste te gee. Leer moet vir hulle ‘n positiewe ervaring wees met  geduld en toewyding wat natuurlik gekweek word. Jare se ondervinding as onderwyseres het my ook geleer om die hart van die leerder te verstaan en aan te spreek. Ek streef daarna om leerders die satisfaksie van sukses te laat smaak!”

Lisa du Plessis

Tutor – “Met my passie wil ek graag die stigma rondom Wiskunde afbreek en leerders leer om lief te wees daarvoor, maar ook om dit ten volle te geniet!”

    Do you need help with maths?

    We offer Professional Maths Tuition for Grades 4 to 12
    Visit Master Maths