Master Science Tuition Centre


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Master Maths - Nelspruit


071 040 4792
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19 Figtree St
West Acres
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About Nelspruit Master Science

Master Science Nelspruit provides extra physical science tuition for grade 10 to 12 learners. Our tutors and lessons help learners make their science education a success. Ons wetenskap ekstra klasse is volledig tweetalig.

Die sentrum kan spog met baie goeie matriekuitslae en het al heelwat onderskeidings in wiskunde opgelewer. Leerders se punte verbeter ook deur die bank en ek kry baie goeie terugvoering van ouers.

Ek glo dat goeie prestasie in wetenskap baie belangrik is vir elke leerder. Omdat so baie leerders met wetenskap sukkel is ekstra klasse baie belangrik, nie net vir prestasie nie, maar ook vir die kind se selfbeeld. Dit is waar Master Science ‘n baie belangrike rol speel. Leerders wat deel is van Master Science, kry soveel selfvertroue en daarom word die wetenskap ook sommer maklik en lekker.

Centre team


Magda Potgieter

Centre Owner - "Ek was ‘n Wiskunde onderwyser vir 31 jaar en het vir baie jare matrieks gehad met baie goeie uitslae. Ek het ook vir baie jare matriekvraestelle nagesien en was die laaste 2 jaar ‘n senior nasiener."

Driekie Strydom

Tutor - "As an experienced Physical Sciences educator, I assist learners in their progress through the Master Science computer program. The program is expertly compiled to guide the learners to improve their understanding of the concepts so that the learners gain confidence to cope with assessments in the Physical Sciences at school. Each Master Science lesson consist of a narrator accompanied by excellent computer graphics, that can be replayed at will, to present the content. The concepts are further explored by presenting exemplar problems and each lesson is concluded with a test like section where the learners are faced with examination or test like problems what they complete. The learner is scored on each lesson to give an indication of their understanding of the concepts. I whole heartedly recommend the Master Science program to any Grade 10 to 12 learner in the IEB or the Department of Education system that want to improve their marks or gain a better understanding of Physical Sciences."

Mpilo Delwa

Tutor - "In Matric I obtained distinction in Maths, because of Master Maths, until now Master Maths is still helpful to many other students."

    Do you need help with maths?

    We offer Professional Maths Tuition for Grades 4 to 12
    Visit Master Maths