We make effective use of technology to help learners improve their results
A winning combination: interactive computer-assisted lessons + a qualified Physical Science tutor on hand.

Why do our computer-assisted lessons achieve such great results?
The combination of interactive computer-assisted lessons and a tutor in class delivers results. We believe the tutor is a vital component of our system of tutoring that cannot be removed.
The learner listens and interacts with the computer lessons. If anything is unclear, they can request a further explanation from the tutor, who is right there in the centre, ready to help.
Learners are always supervised and supported by tutors.

Watch demos of our interactive lessons by clicking on the videos below. Keep in mind that this is just a recording, and the interactions would normally be done by the learner.

Take a look at a demo of a physics module

Take a look at a demo of a chemistry module
What are computer-assisted Science lessons?
The M2 lessons are completely computer integrated. The lessons use animated graphics and sound to convey the content.
A team of in-house Physical Science authors write lessons and, together with graphic designers, ensure that the learner's interest is sustained and that the content remains as interactive and engaging as possible.
Computer graphics are used to interactively illustrate theory and practical applications. Modern learners are more visually inclined, and our Science programme creates a computer interface they can relate to.
Our more than 450 computerised lessons cover the entire South African NCS Physical Science curriculum.
Further supporting the learner, our exercise books and written worksheets form part of our comprehensive service.
Supporting the learner all the way
Master Science lessons are not part of a computer programme that you can buy. We do not believe in fixing problems with a one-size-fits-all remote learning approach. If you are already not coping with classwork, we believe that fixing the problem on your own is extremely difficult.
Why does the computerised lessons + tutor format yield results?
Lessons are represented audio visually. Interactions in the lesson assist in keeping the focus and prevents overloading the mind's capacity for processing information. The Physical Science curriculum is presented in a detailed and structured way. It is clearly mapped out along each grade.
Lessons are designed in small, sequenced steps; each provides an opportunity for success early on in the lesson. Feedback is immediate.
Feeling they are successful is the key to learning. Success motivates learners to try harder. It helps them cope and thrive when things get tough.
Fundamental skills and knowledge are built upon within the topics, from lesson to lesson.
Concrete, symbolic and pictorial representations of the mathematical concepts are chosen carefully to help build conceptual knowledge and develop procedural fluency.
Uncluttered, correctly written symbolic format is presented on the screen in all lessons.
To check for understanding and mastery, assessments are used in each topic.
Learning is individualised for each learner, who can learn at their own pace and address learning losses.
The programme offers effective and engaging learning. The end of each lesson is followed by a set of questions, designed to recap and assess proficiency in the knowledge and skills covered in that lesson.
The course plan is like a roadmap; markers are like milestones showing where the learner has achieved success and what they still need to learn.
Learning can occur steadily and gradually because the information is broken into bite-sized lessons. In addition, the attention span of learners is taken into consideration.
The lesson design includes a variety of representations needed to introduce and explore concepts effectively, and to set out explanations and questions.
The process of seeing, listening and doing stimulates the working memory. It provides an opportunity for applying what has been learnt. The result? The knowledge and skills learned are less likely to fade from memory.
Opportunities for guided practice are provided, followed by independent practice.
Practice distributed over time sustains meaning and consolidates learning into long-term memory.